About Me

Hi there! Welcome to my website. My name is Linda Ransom, and I write from beautiful west Michigan, near the Silver Lake sand dunes. I’m married to a great guy, and we have two wonderful children, a boy and a girl. Interesting fact: they have the same birthday, three years apart. We have two female Dachshunds, and two horses – a Missouri Foxtrotter pony and a Haflinger.

I have always enjoyed writing. A friend and I made up stories in high school together, passing the notebooks back and forth in the hallways. I had some short stories published while at a local community college, and a longer story published in a magazine about B-24s. The beginnings of stories constantly circulate through my  mind.

Fantasy and science fiction have always caught my attention, and I write fantastical stories of my own. I am working with Wicked Whale Publishing on my first YA fantasy novel, entitled Lift. It is the first in the Flying Ponies series. You can find the first two chapters of the prequel to Lift under the Flying Ponies page. I have also finished the first novel in a second YA series, and that is currently hanging out, waiting for me to begin editing in the next month.

Please feel free to take a look around, and if you’re interested in carousel horses endowed with ancient, primal magic, check out Whirl, the prequel to my upcoming novel Lift.

I have a Facebook author page, under L. M. Ransom. You may also find me on Instagram and Twitter @l_m_ransom, and Pinterest @LMRansom.

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